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I’m Nur ‘Arifah from Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. This site is a documentation for my Elective EP1001 - Further Digital Fabrication and Prototyping. I am using a forked repository called Just the Docs from pmarsceill as the theme for this site. I owe my lecturer, Mr Steven, a debt of gratitude for imparting his knowledge to us.

EP1001 is my second elective module after completing EP1000 in Year 2 Sem 1. Now in Sem 2, I am excited for showcase what I’ve learnt, and of course the Final Project! Stay tuned to see what I am going to make.

About Me

Grew up in the East of Singapore, I became interested in engineering after being captivated in tech videos on YouTube. Until now, YouTube is always my go-to source of inspiration. I am always in wonderment when learning the latest technology available to us. I hope to be able to pick up multifold engineering related skills and one day be able to contribute to my Muslim community and the society at large.

I am also passionate in learning and teaching the Quran. As of now, I have been teaching part-time as a Quranic teacher for 4 years. Another big dream of mine is to be a master in the Arabic language so that I could understand better in the studies of Quran and Hadith. Feel free to chat with me if you have the same passion as mine :D

You can reach me on telegram.
Username: @ArifahShah